archomrade [he/him]
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


As far as I know, the service fees only apply to apps that charge for their app or have in-app purchases. sorry, I misunderstood what you meant

I assume that difference has more to do with the value of ads being higher on a smartphone given the abundance of data that isn’t available via browser.

They can still serve you ads, they simply cannot help themselves to your data.

The thing that jumps out to me here is that mobile data is apparently worth 20% more than web data and that in no way surprises me but very much pisses me off

The one thing the Reddit exodus has taught me, is that I’m almost eager for a reason to ditch my social media and either find something new or simply take back that time and do something more fulfilling anyway.

I’m so much happier not being constantly blasted with advertisements, that now when I have to go back on insta or FB for whatever reason, I can’t stand more than 30 seconds before I nope back off.

Looking forward to axing YouTube from my life next.