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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Mar 28, 2024


It ain’t stalking if a company is doing it, peasant !!!

we started down this path when we all signed for cash back credit card tbh…

but yes data does have a snow ball property… and boy have we hit critical mass. at this point, i doubt any of this can be reverted or even properly countered.

Best we can do is small direct action since the government sold out us and will side with mega corps.

Thw issue is aggregation of all of the data into mega datasets that are used to fix prices.

A lot of the inflation we are seeing recently is literally result of these dataset being compiled.

They know how much you make, how much you save etc so they can determine how much they can extract from you esp once you add behavioral data. We are all profiled and they know what you like.

Although fast food seems to finally hit a wall on that…

Bitwarden aint just about privacy. I think their selling point is security that is reasonable privacy respecting app.

Strong product all around. But privacy focused zealots go with KeyPassXC self-hosted

Along with a copy of a “encrypted messege” to your wife where you said turkey sucked last thankgiving.

For a good measure.