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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 12, 2023


Yes, because the internet is not restricted to English letters.

Just imagine you had to visit アップル instead of apple.com! And most importantly, would you trust yourself to see the difference that and say プッアル consistently without seeing the real reference?

Just to be clear, I hate it when the browsers hides part of the url too. Show me the https god damn! But internationalization is a good thing, as it makes the internet accessible to more people.

Maybe they don’t know how to use debian, because it uses systemd?

(Insert SpongeBob meme here:
“I like mx Linux”
“What does that mean?”
“It means he’s afraid of systemd”
“No it doesn’t”
systemctl restart sshd journalctl
“Stop it, you’re scaring him”)