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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Uh, yeah it does. Not to mention the US has killed more people through colonisation, direct and proxy wars, etc. than any other nation in human history.

Oh the hilarious irony. Can anyone recommend an up to date Firefox addon that gets rid of these fucking popups, automatically declining all but necessary? I've looked at a few but I remember folks here recommending some that I can't now for the life if me remember what they were. Thanks!

There’s a big difference between a publicly published newspaper and shdy companies opaquely data mining people’s internet browser activity either completely secretly, burying it in a eula/tos or using shdy language to manipulate people into giving up their data.

The Epic Games that ironically has monopolised exclusive titles on their platform? That Epic Games? The same Epic Games done for violating kids privacy rights? Epic Games that makes it hard to get refunds? The Epic Games partly owned by Tencent who are known to be in bed with the CCP? That one? Epic who my be selling user data to the CCP and broke GDPR laws? And the Epic Games CEO who actively shits on Linux gamers? Are we talking about that Epic Games?

Meh, they can go to hell along with Google.

I agree. I call myself a closet naturist because I’m all for the human body just being a human body and not ridiculously hyper-sexualised. But I’m also a sexual abuse survivor and that same hyper-sexualisation makes me very wary and anxious around people who are not also naturists.
I’ve been assaulted way too many times WITH clothes on to trust the general population who can’t comprehend that a naked body =/= sex and an open invitation.

I still have Silence installed on my phone because of that. It’s not being maintained any more though so it’s only a matter of time before Silence stops working or has some security vulnerability (if it’s doesn’t already.

I still feel really disappointed that Signal (and the apologists) don’t seem to understand that for many countries SMS is still the go to.

Thanks for introducing me to 12ft.io 😊 Nice to have something to use when I don’t necessarily have a browser extension to rely on.

I’ve found Jitsi to be a great replacement. The only shortfall I found is that most folk don’t know about it and can be resistent to trying it.

Sorry for confusion, I was having two different conversations going on at the same time and my brain was mixing them up a bit. I was referring to Duck Duck Go curating search results.

That said, Kagi does give me more relevant search results than Brave does. I know Brave Search says it doesn’t censor, curate (downrank), etc. And yet, I still find controversial topics lower in the search results of Brave than I do with Kagi. (Not saying I’m siding with any controversial ideas, but rather I use controversial topics to test search engines for curation and censorship.)

Again, sorry for confusion!

EDIT: I just realised my brain got confused between two conversations I was having at the same time. One was this one - the difference between Brave BROWSER and Brave SEARCH. And another one where I was talking about Duck Duck Go curating search results 🤦🏻‍♀️ Sorry for the confusion!


Curation of results. Yes, you can argue it’s for a good reason. My issue is that they curate results based on ideologies at all. If they intentionally downrank some results based on their own beliefs for one thing, how can we trust them not to do it with other things? They weren’t exactly transparent about it either.

I just want a search engine that serves me results based on what I have searched for. I can use my own brain to curate out or downrank results I don’t want. I’m not interested in a search engine that thinks it knows what’s best for me.

I think that’s just with Brave browser, not Brave Search. At least, I can’t find anything related to crypto in Brave Search settings that are there in Brave Browser (I’m using Firefox with Brave Search).

EDIT: With Brave Search (not using the browser), I’m more concerned that the results are still being curated and some results censored. Whereas using something like Kagi, I can see the results are exactly what I would expect to be served, uncensored and uncurated (i.e. how Google and all the rest used to be before they decided they knew better than us what we wanted to search for.)

It’s possible they’re currently doing AB testing and removing it for some folks and not others to see how much it’s used or if they can get away with not having a date range.

Yep some of my friends left France in part for that reason - the government and police are becoming increasingly authoritarian and they left not wanting to wait for things to get worse. And they’re just super nice, normal people but they could see the wiring on the wall. 😞