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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 05, 2023


I loged in to my account for the first time in over a year, to ask them about starting their own Fediverse instances for public communications. Specifically Mastodon and Lemmy.

If you’re doing periodic backups of your logins (I need to, it’s been a couple months) the egg basket issue doesn’t matter much.

Haven’t had any problems like that.

There’s no real security reason not do it. Most likely they simply haven’t goten to it yet. No reason to assume they never will.

Does this mean you don’t need a Proton account to access and edit shared Proton Docs?

Not having even one vault would likely cause a number of errors and problems. Preventing the deletion of the last vault avoids all those problems.

Is it?
I think it may only need a mindset change.
Instead of seeing Proton as a backup of stuff that lives on my phone, it could be viewed as, the stuff lives on Proton and I have it on whatever device I need, whenever I have a need.
I never think of my phone as the primary storage for anything. It’s too easy to loose.

I believe you can use the Proton Drive app to browse and view all the photos all you want.
If you want to download them all just to have them, I’m not sure that’s necessary.
They don’t need to live on your phone.
You can download specific photos, whenever you have a specific reason to do so.

Don’t know.
I’ve checked my ProtonVPN a few times in the last days. It’s working.
I haven’t tried any others.

Sure. But all we were talking about here was Windows silently dropping the VPN completely. That’s very different than evaluating how good a VPN is.

Simple tests for simple problems.

The difference is, you literally never give the private key to anyone. Nobody will ever ask for it.

It works through public private key encryption. To login the site will send your computer a “challenge” (some kind of math problem) that’s first encrypted with your public key. That means only your private key will be able to decrypt the challenge. Then your machine will generate an answer, encrypt it with the private key and sent that back. If the public key decrypts the answer and it matches, they know you are you.

I’m more a visual person. The icons are all I look at.
But all the first letters are unique. So that should work well enough, no?

Maybe. Or maybe its a discount on a Simple Notes subscription. We’re all just guessing. I’d bet they don’t even know yet what “joining forces” really means yet exactly.

I don’t think they should have announced anything, until they could answer some of the most basic questions of what they’re planing.

Really? It could mean Standard Notes is going away, and in a couple years it’ll be Proton Docs or something. I don’t know. I’m not even sure they know yet.

This is practically a non-announcement.
Proton, your products and services are great. But sometimes your PR needs work.

This is basically saying “Standard Notes and Proton are doing something!? We don’t know what yet.” It doesn’t even say “More details will follow.”

What are we supposed to do with this vacuum of information you just created? All this does is give us questions. That’s not an example of good communication.

I’m not sure what what you think is involved in “linking” your Gmail.

It’s all standard procedure when switching to any new email address or service.
You go to your old email, set up an auto forward. That way while you’re telling all your various accounts your new email address, you don’t miss anything that’s still going to the old address.

It doesn’t give Google any access to your Proton account, Proton emails, or anything really. Just the knowledge that you’re using another email. If that still bothers you, the address you have Gmail forward to could be a SimpleLogin address. That way even Google doesn’t know what your new Proton email address is.

Admitting you’re hypersensitive is the first step to fixing your hypersensitivity.
Good work. Tomorrow you can take another step.

I’m kinda torn here.

On the one hand, this is Meta we’re talking about. Fuck’em.

On the other, this is all public info on insecure social media. It can all be scraped by anyone who wants to anyway.