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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023

  1. No, not yet, it’s on their roadmap.

2-4) See number 1 - exact functionality hasn’t been disclosed yet as far as I know.

I wouldn’t really say these are cybersecurity tools, but it’s sure as shit not Brave.

Is it really a problem? The web app works fine on your phone and it’s a 1-time thing to change if you want to.

Even with it excluded it’s still very easy to see the spam emails, so it’s not like you’ll suddenly start missing emails.

For me I found it frustrating that the ‘All mail’ included spam. I don’t want to see the spam unless I’m specifically looking for a missed email. Yes, ‘all mail’ is now technically incorrect, but it’s correct in that it’s ’All mail [you actually want to see]’.