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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


tubular on mobile (broken right now so is newpipe).

NewPipe is updated and working again, but not yet Tubular

EDIT: I just got a Tubular update that fixes it

Please do not tell me you use Vanadium over Mulch.

You could probably turn it off only for each site that gives you issues, but I just disabled the extension entirely until this gets sorted out.

Have you tried disabling Dark Reader? I had some similar major issues with the latest Mull update, and disabling that fixed it.

Glide typing is available on the F-Droid version, but currently English-only for now.

Looks like that particular app was last updated before Google Play had updated their policy to prohibit using the accessibility API to record calls. Meaning that app description was probably referring to how Google had removed the API that this developer was using for call recording, when developers had not yet moved onto using the accessibility API workaround.

I see the setting, but how do you actually begin recording a call?

The article is not that clear, is this just a policy for apps on the Google Play store, meaning apps from F-Droid and whatnot have no issue recording calls?

It is really disingenuous to say “X is just a skin of Y” just because they share the same browser engine or are forked from the same browser. Like you say, there are a lot of changes.

Also, not everything is going to be available on an F-Droid repo. Just off the top of my head, all these new Lemmy clients popping up. Because they are so new, I doubt you’ll find them on Izzy yet.

You don’t have to wait for Izzy to do its thing, which may take days to get an update to you. This will grab from the source directly without a middleman, checking the source however many times per day that you set it to. I guess you could consider Obtainium to be a middleman, but that’s better than relying of Izzy and F-Droid to be your middlemen.

The F-Droid page for any app has a Links section under the app description. Expand that, and the Source Code link is usually the GitHub (or whatever) link you want for the app.

As for update notifications, you set the “Update Checking Interval” in the Obtainium settings (default is every 6 hours). So whenever a new APK gets added to an app’s GitHub, Obtainium will notify you of it the next time it scans for updates.

Been using this for months and never hear anyone talk about it. Faster updates than from F-Droid is nice.

Most operating systems have one built in. Is there a feature missing from yours?