• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 08, 2023


Sometimes when I have issues on a VPN, I’ll try connecting to a different server, usually in a different region. That often helps.

That’s if there’s an ics file attached, I’m referring to reading the email to get your flight information.

Looking for a way to get automatic calendar event creation from email
This is a feature that I miss, along with attachments on calendar events. I was thinking of building something myself using NLP and NER to read an email and extract calendar details from it, but I'd need access to an API to be able to do that and the API is no longer public. Is there any way to either get access to these APIs or some other workaround for this?

That is a good idea, but unfortunately I’m completely locked out

Edit: I thought I was replying to a comment to check my sent mail. Oh, I replied from the android drop-down menu with Sync. I should let the dev know.

I hit the send button and got a red banner message saying my account has been suspended for spam and that it’s not intended to be used for sending out mass messages.

I was reasonable with the support message. I know it has nothing to do with them :)

The only thing I can think is that I did it in the web interface and I’m abroad? No idea.

Proton mail - high energy usage when background loading of mail is turned ln
I noticed my battery drained really quickly since getting proton mail, but the energy use in Androids battery report would only show a few percent. I went from being able to go w whole day with plenty of battery left it having to charge once or twice a day. I turned off the background email loading and my battery levels are back to normal.

Feature request - be able to update a file stored in drive on Android
I put in a user voice feature request. I'm trying to move off of onedrive and moved a spreadsheet file into proton mail. I tried a few apps to edit it, but it says that the file is read-only. For now, I'm keeping the file in onedrive

Is it possible to share multiple photos that are under “photos” and not “files”
I've done a backup of some photos, but it looks like the share link is only available when I select one, but goes away when I select two. Between this and no albums, it's hard for me to get off of my original cloud provider.

Good question. I just got the service and did that, but now that you say it that doesn’t sound right