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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Buddy, I breath open source.

Linux on every rig, third parry clients for every service. K9 mail, graphene OS, Linux.

Every damn app and program outside of my banking is open source. I love open source. Gimp just simply sucks ass. Its why Gimp offends me so much. Its the one weak spot in my entire open source life.

Well, I guess your anecdotal evidence is as good as mine, because nobody in my design circle will touch the damn thing. Meanwhile Blender is the standard for 3d designers I know.

I’m saying is that there is tons of open source software that isn’t crap. Gimp has no excuse it should be as good as the others.

Especially one as mature as Gimp.

I wish to were simply ads. The big issue is that its targeted ads. I don’t want to pay them if it means deleting any sense of privacy from my life.

We don’t need to praise the software specifically because it’s Open Source. We need good Open source Software of which there are plenty of great examples.

Blender, Krita, Libre Office, Audacity. These are great. Better than the paid competitors in a lot for ways.

Gimp and scribus are simply not. That should mean we start developing good FOSS software to fill that gap, as a collective.

Woah, hold on now. Gimp actually is unusablly bad. I say this as Linux Graphic Designer who would rather use Krita (anillustration software) to do photo edits.

Libre Office is great tho.

I really like Kagi. Its text search is better than Google’s. Its image search still sucks though.

Use privacy respecting FOSS software.

That means, Linux, Modified android OSs, using browsers like Tor Librewolf.

Always use a VPN, and only use anonymous accounts.

That means no Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or any of the other data vultures.

I find them all to be too intrusive for my tastes. I use Graphene OS and Linux.

I’m clamoring for the day we get a proper Mobile Linux environment that hasn’t been coopted by Google

Now I will say, while I ampersonallly a communist, I’m on the libertarian side.

No patience for tankies.

Federation is a largely left leaning, anti capitalist idea for the internet.

Reminds me of the recent drama around Linus Torvald being left leaning. Like, yeah, that’s what Linux is.