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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


The bug was well documented and we own the git platform it was written on, but hey, we ain’t got time for that. Too busy implementing new menus that look worse and do less than the old ones so we have to keep the old ones around anyway.

Furthermore, I don’t trust Microsoft to not do a gigantic oopsie and introduce a bug that emails screenshots of porn websites I visited to my Mum or some shit. Their QC is abhorrent.

Bein forced to accept this would make their whole dark pattern cookie bullshit useless, sooooo

Well, let’s see how tue whole IT world weasels out of this one.

The offer you selected is not available for VPN Plus subscribers.
But you can unlock Pass Plus and all premium Proton services by upgrading to Proton Unlimited — it’s just 3 € extra per month.

my favourite “Cyber-Security-Tool”? None of those logos up there qualify for that descrption… well… Authy perhaps…
yet, my favourite “Cyber-Security-Tools” would be

- PUID=110XX
- PGID=110XX
- UMASK=002

PasswordAuthentication no
PermitRootLogin no


  • Restic
  • Bitwarden

Okay, this article makes it sound like they found some hidden thing deep in obscure windows settings about brave doing something bad.

On truth, they just installed Windows Services for their VPN to enable users to use the service. That’s what many apps do for dozens of reasons.

I dislike Brave as much as the next guy, but let’s stick to things they really fuck up and not make Up issues that aren’t there.

I work for a German ISP (which happens to have a big mobile phone daughter in the US) and the thought of an ISP being able to do this without anything one can do against it is bonkers to me. I was just reminded from the comments here that you folks over there usually do not have aftermarket routers with modems built in. I mean, I’m using my employers router of course since it was way cheaper than any alternative but the thing will not lock me out of any settings because if it did that, ppl would just stop using it.