• 3 Posts
Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Jan 05, 2024


Yes, it is concerning. I don’t remember where I read this, but someone was saying that their account was falsely flagged for suspicious activity and they lost access to everything, including Pass. Very similar to what can happen on Google. I don’t want to say much more details as I might be misremembering and don’t want to spread misinformation.

There have been cases where people got locked out of their Proton account, it may be a good practice to actually keep your log-in vault on a separate service just to avoid that headache.

What the hell is Proton’s direction?

I didn’t really care about Scribe but this is just so off-brand. Just what.

Did you entirely rewrite the application and then release the update with the update log: “* Stability improvements related to message sending.” ???

Edit: to cancel out the negative sentiment, good job. I personally don’t really interact with the app enough to notice that it’s changed, but if it needed to be done and you did it right, I commend you! Just seems a bit weird that the “what’s new” message is so bland. Is it even for the most recent version? The release on GitHub has a completely different changelog.

it should be noted that on a home network tunnelvision is not a real risk, only on e.g. restaurants and stuff like that

I have no idea if they are assisting, it’s all baseless conjecture on my part! Sorry if that wasn’t clear, I thought it was

I think by client you mean the device and operating system, which is correct to my understanding, but it’s confusing because ‘client’ can also mean the VPN client software which is often supplied by the VPN provider, and that’s what I first think when you say client. So with that in mind it sounds like you’re saying “it’s not about the VPN but the VPN software” which obviously comes from the same provider.

I have not looked into it so you probably understand this more than I, but from the sound of it the VPN software can be built to detect, prevent or counteract the exploit even on affected systems? In which case, even though it’s an environment issue it can still be resolved by the VPN provider.


Interestingly, Android is the only operating system that fully immunizes VPN apps from the attack because it doesn’t implement option 121. For all other OSes, there are no complete fixes. When apps run on Linux there’s a setting that minimizes the effects, but even then TunnelVision can be used to exploit a side channel that can be used to de-anonymize destination traffic and perform targeted denial-of-service attacks.

I did not look into that setting that minimises the effect but from the way it’s written it sounds like this isn’t used by default, so by default you’re still vulnerable. Add even if it’s on, there’s still a side vulnerability.

Depending on what its purpose it, it likely needs to be unencrypted (or at least decryptable by the operator without the user’s key) in order to function. A recovery email likely needs to be used precisely when you don’t have your password, so it can’t work if it’s encrypted with your private key.

I suppose this isn’t necessarily obvious to a user but it’s not a flaw or fault of Proton, it’s unavoidable if a recovery email is used. Note that it’s optional to add one (see article update).

If all your camera photos and videos are getting backed up anyway, which other photos/movies would you manually select to back up?

If you don’t want all your camera photos backed up, I think you can select a different album (or multiple albums) to be backed up instead. Albums are just subfolders of the DCIM folders.

If you do that, you can back up specific photos by moving/copying them to the album that gets backed up.

I never tried it though so perhaps it’s not as straightforward.

By the way, regarding the issues of this post, I’m in contact with Proton support. They haven’t been able to replicate the issue but they sent me a version of the app that can save debug logs. When I get anything conclusive I’ll post an update.

Just added an update at the bottom of my post. The 6.10GB file doesn’t go through at all.

I want them automatically backed up, that’s a huge point of appeal for me.

In fact I’d prefer it if I could also pick other folders on my phone - specifically call recordings - to be automatically backed up too. But that’s not related.

Kind of an update from my previous post. The Proton Drive app on Android utterly failed to back up my photos and videos. I've now got a glimpse to a possible reason why. I realized that it was doing fine with photos and small videos but was struggling with large files, so as a temporary measure, I moved all the files bigger than 1GB to a different folder on my phone. I then had to wipe the app's data and log back in because it was just hanging or looping repeatedly otherwise. After logging back in, it successfully backed up all the remaining files over many hours. At least, I think it did - I'd have to go one by one to find out and I'm really not feeling too confident about it. But if it didn't get all of them, it got almost all of them. Then I added back in the files that were between 1GB and 2GB. It managed this fine. The app's data usage grew to about 4GB at some points but that is fine as it needs to create encrypted copies of the file it's backing up and it might be doing a few files in parallel. At the end, the data usage went back down to <1GB. Then I tried to add back the files between 2GB and 5GB. There were four of them: 2.25GB, 2.50GB, 3.86GB, and 4.12GB. Total size: approximately 12.73 GB. After setting the app running, **its data usage grew to upwards of 60GB and I had to halt it.** As before, there was no way to get the app to behave again after that besides wiping data and logging back in again. The "clear local cache" button in the app's settings did seemingly nothing. I moved the big files back to the temporary folder. Next I tried to move the files one at a time, starting from the smallest one. So one 2.25 GB video file. Turns out my phone shows base-10-based file sizes, so it's actually 2.091 GiB. The app misbehaves a little bit in vague ways that I didn't quite comprehend and can't explain, e.g. it got stuck at "3 files remaining" even though I only added 1 file, so I needed to wipe its memory again, but *eventually* it uploaded the dang file. I don't remember exactly how much data it used in the process, but the important thing is it worked. And then I looked at the file through the Proton Drive web interface and checked its details, where I saw what's in the picture: > Size: 2.09 GB > > Original size: **-2049486257 bytes** **The original file size is stored as a 32-bit signed integer!** Is this only in the web frontend, or is it also like that behind the scenes? What happens when the file size exceeds 4GiB? Does this only affect photos/videos or does it happens for the general-purpose Drive as well? Is this why big files have been failing for me? I'll keep you guys updated... And I hope these bugs are fixed. I still believe in Proton. Edit: the four files, added one by one, uploaded successfully. Now moving on to a 6.10GB file. This is bigger in bytes than 32 bits can represent. Wish me luck. Edit next day: the 6.10 GB file failed to upload. It's perpetually stuck at "1 item left" after giving it more than enough time overnight. The app is also taking up some 15GB of space - much more than it should. While uploading previous files, it gree to marginally larger than the file being uploaded. Now it's well over 2x that. **So my conclusion is that Proton Drive for Android can't back up videos larger than 4GB, and fails catastrophically when attempting to do so.** I'm already in contact with Proton support. I'm not sure I've quit convinced them of the severity of this bug yet (or multiple bugs) but they acknowledged that there are issues and suggested that the current beta version 2.4.0 of the app has mitigations regarding storage usage, and they gave me instructions for trying to access it.

Fair enough, I changed the offensive word. You should probably take a look at how BearOfaTime basically implied I’m an idiot.

Thanks. Maybe it does, but as you say that still doesn’t explain it and it should still have ample space. Most of the files are photos or very short videos, and it’s definitely uploading them in order. It wouldn’t parallelize more than, say, 5 at a time. As my OP says it completely skips the biggest videos, so it has a cutoff of (I’m estimating) 5GB or so? So at worst it’s going to deal with two 5GB videos and 3 relatively tiny photos/videos simultaneously. 55GB is plenty for this scenario.

Also, this doesn’t mean much but it doesn’t feel like it’s parallelized. I think it’s just doing them sequentially. Just my hunch though, nothing conclusive.

99% full was when Proton Drive was using all the storage it could before it gave up. Half the reason I want to use Proton Drive is to free up storage space on my phone.

Edit: and factually it works if I just tell it to retry (until the next time it runs out of space) so any excuse you make for it is nonsense. I hope Proton support/devs would take this more seriously than that.

It doesn’t need 3x the size of the biggest file it needs to compress.

Here’s some screenshots:

… later …


Unrelated to that, I think I’ve found a bug: every once in a while, the process stops, complains about low device storage and I have to push “retry” - after which it keeps going. It seems like the app doesn’t clear its temporary files until it fails due to low storage. I can see the app’s size growing and growing to over 50GB - which at the moment is all the free space I have - and then, when it hits the wall, suddenly shrink back to 144MB. The largest single file in the Camera folder is 17GB. Then I have to open the app manually and tell it to retry. This means I have to babysit it and can’t have it back up everything overnight.

Edit: app version is: Proton Drive 2.3.1. Phone is Samsung Galaxy S22+, OneUI 6.0, Android 15

Another edit: I am now seeing this happen while the app should be idle! Its storage usage just keeps climbing and climbing.

Proton Drive camera backup skips big files
I upgraded to Proton Unlimited today and I've set Proton Drive to back up my whole camera gallery, a few hundreds of GBs, so it will take a while. But I noticed that **it skips large videos**, e.g. it skipped a 9.8GB video file. Is this intended behavior? I can't find documentation of it anywhere and it seems to happen silently. I easily could have missed it, assumed that it backed up everything down to a certain date, and deleted the only copy of the videos.

Well, not entirely, Google does have a paid tier but I see your point (that’s not their primary source of revenue)

I got this email too… And I’m already paying for Mail Plus so it doesn’t apply to me

How does Proton justify its free options?
I joined Proton just a few days ago, and I'm paying for it so I can use my custom domain. I watched this interview and it raises a huge question for me (link includes timestamp): https://tilvids.com/w/q1mZzv6eq3iULLmGdV6w6M?start=6m20s In this interview, Andy Yen says about gmail et al "there's no such thing as a free lunch". Then, in nearly the same breath, he boasts that most Proton users don't pay, they use the basic service for free because that's all they need. So my question is: if there's no such thing as a free lunch (which there isn't), how come Proton can offer it?