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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 28, 2023


Thanks for the info ! I mostly download my applications directly from the source with Obtainium.

However I didn’t notice any bugs with wireguard recently. The 0.5.5n seems rather stable to me :).

Glad you found it ! Hope it fill in the gaps you needed with RethinkDNS which is IMO rather complex and overall very customizable !

On Android, I didn’t find any apps that let you filter blocklists and using your own VPN other than Rethink, but the blocklists feature requires using Rethink’s DNS.

You probably missed it but you can totally use rethink’s block list without rethink’s DNS (system DNS or Wireguard).

It’s called On-device blocklist

Not saying it’s better than a native app but it’s probably more secure than an extension.

One benefit I could think of is customization of your configuration. I’m pratically a newbie in networking so take everything with a grain of salt, because a wrongly configured network device is as bad a not having one.

However, being able to re-route everything to a corresponding wireguard tunnel adding specific rules to each devices, give you more controle of your network flow (Yes this is more advanced stuff and I only scratched the surface of what is possible). There’s way more to it and I lack the proper knowledge, but reading here and there, suggests that extensions are really bad for security/privacy. Also, the more addons you have, the more fringerprintable you are (yes i’m probably over simplifing…)

Sorry if I lack the technical terms, I’m just a tinkerer and like learning new stuff. If there’s a native app for every device go for it, otherwise I would suggest to find a way to re-route your traffic through a tunnel without the help of a browser extension.

But hey I’m just some random on the web without any degree, so whatever 🫠

Just my 2cent don’t take is to seriously, but having an extansion to act as VPN is a bad idea IMO. Same goes for password managers.

I would rather suggest to install wireguard on your machine and tunnel all your traffic to protonVPN with a config file you can download from them.

But that adds extra work to put into place (a few iptables lines) and I get why extensions are popular (ease of install and forget).

Sorry if it doesn’t add something to your actual question, but we shouldn’t rely to much on extensions, those are mostly open holes for privacy and security.

Also “I still don’t care about cookies” will automatically accept cookies It can’t reject.

When it’s needed for the website to work properly, it will automatically accept the cookie policy for you (sometimes it will accept all and sometimes only necessary cookie categories, depending on what’s easier to do).

Better use uBO and if It can’t block the cookie banner for some reason, that site is not worth your time and effort !

Sorry can’t see your image, javascript blocked, but reading through your link I suppose you want to route all your traffic from all your devices to ProtonVPN from your host server/wireguard.

I have something similar and followed the following general guidelines: Wireguard VPN endpoint.

While this doesn’t solve your DNS problem, I can vouch for the guidelines working on my side (bare bone not in a container). Having all my traffic being routed to my wireguard server and accessing all my containers without DNS leaks.

Hope it helps !

Clean-custom roms are better sure, but depening your phone’s model, either it works great or it’s just a quirky mess :/

With my samsung a53 5g there isn’t any good clean official rom. Just some random unofficial, wich you either trust or not…

I wish I could install grapheneOS on mine, but as a non dev, it’s not in my power nor my capcity to do so !

You have to debloat your android. It takes a lot of time, dedication and search to find the specific things to delete or desactivate on your specific model.

2 ways of doing exactly that:

  1. Universal debloater with adb for non rooted phones.

  2. De-bloater more advanced but requires a rooted phone with magisk

I’m a bit confused on what you try to achieve.

I remember that android has “hardcoded” the dns server to be your home ISP router’s, that’s probably what’s causing the dns leak.

On your phone’s wireguard config add the following DNS server:

Or change your private DNS in your connection settings on your phone to: dns.quad9.net. This won’t work with wireguard.

I followed a similar tutorial to route all my devices traffic to ProtonVPN and it’s miles away of being that complicated, but I have no idea what’s your actual use case.

Also, you have to allow all traffic to your client’s wireguard tunnel:

Hope it helps !

Edit: Ohh it’s a wireguard docker server… If I were you, I wouldn’t bother to use wireguard in a container… Just install it bare bone on your server !

Edit2: Maybe I’m wrong, but docker containers uses the host’s DNS, so this could also be a bad DNS configuration on your host !