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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 24, 2023


We haven’t come up with a better model to support free content on the Internet than advertising.

Uhm, that isn’t free.

And (some) advertising would be fine. Tracking is not.

Not to invalidate your argument (it’s still pending in EuGH) but germans BND scandal was about wayy to extensive selectors for NSA on europe’s main internet node RIPE. They just made it legal afterwards. My point is, be it swiss or german + US government…

Install Android SDK on your PC

Minimal ADB and Fastboot on Windows, on *nix just search for ‘adb’ in your package manager. No need for the whole SDK.

Never had issues with Element, Fair Email, Silence notifying me? I run LineageOS without Play.

They recently added what amounts to drm for the entire Internet to chrome

This will be legally challenged later, if it is not opt-in.

Since only our users are affected and not our customers, we don’t consider it serious. /s

The NSA are not allowed to spy on their own citizens. That’s why they use data of friendly countries’ agencies.

Btw, for the proprietary apps try Shelter/Insular and TrackerControl.