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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


just because you can do a thing didn’t mean you should do a thing.

Or something like that.

Government agencies being data brokers should also be a concerning issue.

I’m sorry for your experience, and do hope you find the healing to alleviate triggers. I wish you all the best on your journey.

She was a decent enough, but doting mom. She was proud of her kids and thought the whole world should be blessed with their antics. It wasn’t attention seeking or income generating. She just had a blind spot, assuming that because she wouldn’t dream of doing that, no one else would. And it is sad, to me, that she was robbed if that innocence in a very visceral way; but she did learn a valuable lesson and never forgot it, either

A friend used to routinely post about her children on Facebook and other SM, until someone claiming to be a grandmother tried to pick up one of her children from school. Fortunately, the school had safeguards in place and followed protocol. All those posts and pictures were deleted immediately.

Krebs is awesome. That’s one person I’m very glad left the government job for the private sector. Snowden and Manning are the others.

They are. Mozilla provided a comprehensive report on several major car manufacturing corporations selling data to all kinds of brokers.

Sure. After certain companies decided to stop supporting a certain political party’s most vitriolic candidates over persecution of the lgbtq community, began quarterly funding again. At least I think it was over LGBTQ hate morning.

Holy what the actual bleep bloop blop?! Social security numbers? Sexual activity and orientation? Credit/debit card numbers, expiration dates and cvv?! This is at least as scary as bad actors gaining control of your car while driving where they can drive the car. I just read pertinent parts to a friend that road trips a lot between family members, they asked “how are they allowed to do that?” My reply? “Government doesn’t work for us.