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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


I agree. There are far too many people with the “if I’m not doing anything wrong, then what have I to hide?” mindset. I’ve seen people unironically say that all Tor users must be engaging in illegal activity, and I don’t think it occurs to them that in many parts of the world, freely accessing information is an illegal activity, and by adopting this mindset we’re empowering that type of state.

It’s their choice, and I would simply not use YouTube. Access to YouTube specifically is not very concerning to me.

But if they try to normalize this or even attempt to influence legislators that adblockers should be restricted in any way by law, then I would be concerned, and for this reason I think it’s important to articulate right now that there is nothing inherently wrong or unethical about using an adblocker.

This makes me sad. My brother and his wife always tracked my niece and nephew, and I feel like it did more harm than good. I remember agreeing to drive my nephew to buy fireworks, and on the way home I swung by Target to pick up my best friend a gift for his wedding, and my sister in law called my nephew and threatened to take his phone away because he wasn’t where he said he was going. Granted, I could have called, but it was a quick stop, and I didn’t know at the time they were watching him 24/7.

This account seems to post nothing but content from this site. Doesn’t seem very “neutral” or “third party” to me…

I just tried Catbox, and that is pretty slick! I like how it gives the direct image link upfront, and it’s neat how instead of asking for a subscription fee they use patreon and sell merch. Seems refreshingly straightforward.