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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


True. He’s probably telling the truth about a lot of things, but notice what he doesn’t say. He’s a smart guy and is not saying certain things to stay on Putin’s good side.

He’s been in Russia 10 years now. He would probably be out of jail if he had surrendered. Chelsea Manning is already out:

She was sentenced to 35 years at the maximum-security U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth. On January 17, 2017, Obama commuted Manning’s sentence to nearly seven years of confinement dating from her arrest in May 2010.


How else would you propose they cheaply confirm that you’re a person? Get a picture of your ID card? That’s more invasive and unnecessary.

There are more modern methods that will identify you without a phone number. In the near future you will not need to enter a 6 digit code. Your phone will be able to be identified by its sim card and location (even if you have GPS off). Do you like that more or less than giving your phone number and receiving a text?

Yes. That’s it. They want to know you’re a person.

It prevents a lot of scammers and only a few “privacy enthusiasts” are hurt.

Indian society is nuts:

She has been ostracised by neighbours in the community she has lived in for 40 years.

“As of today, I have no friends. It’s just me I guess,” she says with a sad chuckle.

Some of her family still don’t speak to her. And she constantly wonders whether the men she works with are picturing her naked.

A picture of your head photoshopped on some chick’s body? Why is that embarrassing for anyone over the age of 13? I would just assume they were hacked. It’s embarrassing for whoever sent it.