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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


The webclient is as buggy as always for me

Weird, the post’s image loaded as the correct one, then to a blimp and then back to normal when opening the post itself.

First time hearing of this, does it work from outside the US? Not like, buy it in the US, use it anywhere, but, buy outside the US, use outside the US. How does it work with countries that need registration to own a phone number?

Wait, so from what I’ve just read. Some SimpleLogin&Proton domains were blocked, someone tried using Tutanota as an example of a similar unblocked service as an argument for unblocking Proton, only to end up making them block Tuta itself.

It still incredibly hard tog et even one person to agree tho. And even then they’d likely give up since most of our contacts are going to keep using WA

Are there any recommendations for cold storage? Or are paper wallets enough? I’ve pretty much only ever used Electrum and rarely so and I’m trying to expand my horizons

Seconded. Still got my free 50GB Mega from years ago. I’m assuming they will reduce it someday but I shall use it at its fullest til that day comes.

Their clients are also source available, but I don’t think many outside people check them anyway.

There’s also mozilla.github.io/translate which is Firefox Translate but as a website like Google Translate

The API is also the only way to have it be private as well, as one of the perks is that all your entries get deleted.

I liked a lot when first hearing of that, but didn’t someone point out that whatsapp and apps like it could just not honor any of the security measures of signal and such and would just end up being a detriment to signal or something

Most instances seem to be broken. Dunno what happened there