• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


most password managers give you the option to export your saved credentials. Pick a format that proton pass can read and then import it into proton pass.

you might’ve been able to avoid this by choosing a different folder for it to sync to on your re-install

answering the question in the title…no. Not to the service you’re using it to sign up for anyway

But someone monitoring the emails going from one address to another? Probably yes.

cross-posted from: https://zerobytes.monster/post/2458702 > ##### The original post: [/r/mullvadvpn](https://redir.zerobytes.monster/url/https://old.reddit.com/r/mullvadvpn/comments/1erthic/serious_flaw_in_critical_applications_plaintext/) by [/u/Imaginary_Dot5703](https://redir.zerobytes.monster/url/https://old.reddit.com/u/Imaginary_Dot5703) on 2024-08-14 05:20:49. >

I started using Aegis as soon as I saw the update for the google authenticator that “securely stores” my authentication tokens…in google’s own severs…that get hacked all the time.

Don’t use proton pass to store your 2FA tokens, use something like Aegis for 2FA tokens instead, and be sure to password protect it with a password that you DON’T store inside of proton pass

I thought proton was already doing this? With the mailbox password and the “two password mode” in the settings in our accounts?

There’s definitely a lot of stuff they could be doing better. And for some reason they won’t listen to their users on some of these things.

Maybe try asking for these features over on their reddit pages? People from proton are actually on those. I don’t think anyone from proton is here on lemmy

Proton family is one step above unlimited, then there’s proton visionary

possibly because there’s higher tiers such as proton family and proton visionary

I don’t know if this would be a good idea.

Sometimes it’s good to run things for a profit, that way there’s extra in case something needs to be upgraded

I haven’t heard anything.

When I did the survey, it was mentioned, but I have no idea how to access it

depends on the password and encryption you use on your home router. If your router is a VPN router, then your risk is significantly less, but not zero

all your traffic being intercepted by a malicious actor that hacked a wifi router

it is, but don’t use their VPN, it’s vulnerable to tunnelvision

iVPN and Mullvad are the only two I’m aware of that are immune to tunnelvision

either the official app or the official web-app. Those are the only two ways you should bother with it.

ipleak(dot)net is a much better test to see if your VPN is working correctly.

Swap proxies while the test is running to see if there’s any leaks. that’s the one thing that almost every VPN fails at protecting. Mullvad and proton are the only 2 I’ve ever used that don’t leak.

With mullvad, proton or iVPN, just enable lockdown mode or what proton calls the “permanent” kill switch.

That should block all unprotected traffic with no issue

Edit, I used policy plus to delay my quality updates by 30 days and my feature updates by 365 days and a couple of days ago I paused my windows updates because I saw britec09 talking about how some of the more recent updates to windows 11 will cause bluescreens sometimes. So I’m not affected.

Session is better because of the proxies

Session comes with its own anonymity network…you sometimes need a VPN to access it, but still.

And even though there’s no quantum encryption on it yet. Whoever would try to use a quantum computer to break in would still need to use it for quite awhile on hundreds of different servers each processing thousands of different people’s traffic at any time.

It’s not. Use signal messenger or session messenger instead.

I certainly hope the future isn’t like that

I don’t really have any apps on my home screens or my desktop pages.

I have them into groups on mobile and I just pull them up from the start menu on desktop

So…is Standard Notes indie and owner-operated and owner-made like all the services from proton are?

Proton is a very privacy-friendly thing to choose.

But if you’re in a position where you might need to worry about someone using a quantum computer to monitor your internet activity, you might want to choose a different VPN provider that offers quantum-secure encryption. Like Mullvad or iVPN.

I want them automatically backed up, that’s a huge point of appeal for me.

I understand, I guess my point was that the automatic backup isn’t actually doing anything on my phone either.

I just manually add my photos and videos to my proton

Yes, it would’ve been nice if the quick connect profiles were like they still are on windows.

You got rid of all the options for quick connect profiles.

You also got rid of the ability to connect to a random server.

being able to connect to a random location adds another layer to any anonymity you might want.

dnsleaktest doesn’t work. ipleak is the one that gives you a proper test of that.

ip dot me? ipleak gives you a test of that too.

How to check if it’s working? ipleak(dot)net is very helpful for checking that.

use it to check if your VPN is leaking DNS traffic whenever you swap proxies, almost zero VPN providers leak DNS traffic when connected, but almost all of them leak DNS traffic whenever you swap proxies.

Proton is one that doesn’t leak…at least not on desktop.

It CAN leak DNS traffic sometimes on some mobile OSs

Proton Pass windows app tray icon isn’t showing all of a sudden
Update, the person who responded to my request for support thought I was talking about the proton mail desktop app, even though I sent the request from the proton pass desktop app. You guys really need to get better people who can actually read in that department. I usually need to repeat myself at least 3 times before they finally understand what I'm trying to tell them. Title says it all. Is anyone else having this issue? Windows 11, 64 bit core isolation enabled.

I’d rather have more storage space with all paid plans and I want all proxy locations to also be P2P locations.

The Indian government will crack down on regular people using encryption, but they don’t give a shit about the scammers based there.

Maybe they banned them and un-banned them later? It was a big story when the government of india banned porn sites.