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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


I have never seen a cloud location mounted and usable. Definitely want to do a proper sync where files are stored locally!

The only Linux application I know of for Proton Drive is the Rclone proton drive backend. I haven’t used it, it apparently works but is in beta. I would make sure you have other backups though, just in case.

It was in my head from somewhere, so I went back trying to find out where. I think the number probably comes from this article, in which for VPN users, 6% asked for better Linux support.

They mention Linux in other sections(e.g. Drive) but only as part of the “Other” category and they don’t quantify it.

However, the smallest category separately listed for Proton Drive has 8% of the vote, so it’s definitely less than that, and it would make sense for it to be around 6% like the VPN one.

Yes but for 6% of the userbase. It’s frustrating but I can understand them prioritizing other features.

The did explain in a blog post that AI integration was one of the higher requested features. And with an electron client, it’s easy to roll out to all platforms.

A drive client for Linux would need to be specifically developed and could not be reused for other platforms.

But yes, I would love a Drive client for Linux. I’ve recently started moving to Proton and can’t make use of Drive without it.

As someone who likewise freaked out when I got a pihole setup and 30% or more of requests were blocked, the early days are normally just the same requests endlessly retrying. So while it blocked 11k, if they weren’t blocked it would probably only be a few hundred. Probably poor programming not covering the fact it can be blocked.

Still better to block, though.

Some custom phone OSs (definitely GrapheneOS that mostly only works on pixels) will have the option for it.

Another way is to use something like Tracker Control (installed through F-droid not the info-only one on Google Play) and that let’s you disable internet access for a specific app.

I love KISS!

I love testing out weird stuff! I was using Pielauncher before, then worked out this one gives me a clean home screen and swipe gestures!

I’ve been using it a few years now. I use Muzei and the NASA APOD plugin to get the astronomy picture of the day as my background, then have swipe actions for commonly used apps, favourites for the less commonly used apps that I still want an icon on the home screen, then I have the app list show with commonly used apps when I tap the search field.

It’s also a great talking point when people see me use it, because most people don’t realise you can change how this core part of your phone works with a couple of taps.

How does accessing your 2FA codes in a web interface work? How do you log in? Does having the codes online not stop it being 2FA, since it’s no longer proving “something you have”?

What about email relays? Kdhrbrk@mozmail.com doesn’t seem like it could be tied to me, then firefox relay forwards the email to my actual email address.