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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Android doesn’t implement the option that’s being abused for this exploit; and Linux offers more control allowing you to lock down the network stack enough to not be affected.

promised feedback and digital badges for good driving.

“you don’t drive like a total asshole; here’s a gold star!”


“you’ve used your brakes more than once today; heres a 30% insurance rate hike”

I can’t remember off the top of my head, but there is an autofill option in the right click menu.

/edit: Ctrl+Shift+L

A backdoor would imply some sort of external control I’d think, a much broader potential for harm.

Being able to command a device to send you info or perform tasks is different than the device sending info of its own accord.

With increasing frequency; spam calls spoof their caller ID to be a number/business/organization local to you which isn’t linked to them. Either to masquerade as a familiar name as part of the scam or just so blocking or calling back is pointless.

Filtering that is next to impossible unless you just use a whitelist of acceptable callers.

It’s a broken system.