Here to read the internet.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 17, 2023


Deleted… I’m an idiot. Confused Pass with VPN.

Happy customer of Proton overall!

I have trouble believing it is that hard, when rclone already works with proton.

Using built-in rclone options, it works just fine. It’s very slow… But it’s the same rate as direct to browser.

that’s how i’ve been writing since about college, I think. My printed handwriting I mean - I so large/small caps only. It’s so much easier to read. but also my handwriting sucks.

yeah not to sound brainwashed but I also think it might just be a bug for paid accounts. it’s also not hurting me, and doesn’t affect my ability to check mail.

Great! I’m a paying customer of mail and drive.

Please do Linux now. Please.