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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


Everybody is taking the stupid bait and arguing the wrong thing.

Companies don’t think it makes them more efficient, they don’t care about culture much, but they do care about layoffs.

This is stealth layoffs. You get x% of people to outright quit because of the mandate. Another y% you can “fire” for non compliance with the “return to office”

And then your layoff is a TON cheaper because none of those groups require severance, and it plays better with everyone that still works at the company because the layoff is smaller or non existent.

Oh listen I TOTALLY believe that it’s better, that’s why I have the iPhone.

HOWEVER, most of these points are what Apple tells me, not verified by a third party research team, so there’s a grain of salt to go along with the statements

I own an iPhone because Google is evil but….

Make no mistake, Apple has developed their own advertising id and they’re starting to use it to track you just like Google.

In theory it’s more private, but in practice it’s hard to say for sure.