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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


Do what I do. I run my own email server. When a company spams me, I create a server level rule that forwards all of their emails to their sales address, and then deletes the email from my server.

And the color scheme and design.

This looks like they’re announcing some sort of “adult” lubricant.

It should be completely illegal for these companies to just completely fucking change the nature of our agreements decades later. This is bullshit.

So far, not even the courts can agree on whether these orders are constitutional, setting up a likely legal challenge before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Probably because the SCOTUS is occupied completely by geriatric seniors who don’t understand anything about the internet. Anyone who understands the issue can see plain as day that it’s unconstitutional and a violation of American ideals

Of course they’re doing the same thing! How much of a patsy do you need to be to think otherwise?

That’s a great story. I paid for it, even though it’s available for free on the website. I got 1/4 into it and liked it so much that I bought the eBook.

Are they going to ban phones if someone uses one of those for the same purpose?