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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Ohh! Yeah, the search is awful. I use a separate address to coordinate search, but it’s online, so I need to do it before I go off into the countryside.

The only thing I’ve seen work on occasion is to put the house number after the street, like “river drive 123”

OSMAnd uses Open Street Maps data for it’s map, so the product can be mature but the data is not for the area you were navigating.

I’ve been on a crusade to fill the holes in the data for the places I go, including house and business numbers using OpenStreetMap. If everyone were to do this for the places they go, we’d have all the addresses filled in and more!

I’ve resorted to using latlong to look up an address, then copy & paste the coordinates into OSM+. It’s not great, but it works. I’m looking for something better so I can still use OSM+ and was hoping to find it here.

My ideal solution is an app that registers as a mapping app so I can tap an address and it’ll pop up, look up the coordinates then push to the clipboard or push as an address and I can choose OSM+.