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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Apple is the manufacturer who makes the biggest hoo-ha over privacy, yet they gave user data to the police 90% of the time (Google was surprisingly lower at 80%)

Plus if you have a subscription to a mobile cellular network, as basically everyone with a phone does, that will also be constantly tracking you (and I believe also directly available to the police).

That’s all without going into whether you trust every single third party app on your phone and every website you visit.

As others have said it will likely be an ESIM or similar solution because there isn’t a need for the manufacturer to support physical SIMs.

Regarding being tracked though, Australia has ANPR just like most other developed countries, you will be trackable even if your car was just a Flintstones car with a numberplate.

I’d also add if you’ve got a phone in your pocket, that’s just as trackable

This is the big thing that should be happening, even just a little icon in the bar when it’s happening to switch between the two representations.

I offer an alternative service to having a wallet. I securely hold on to the contents of it and let you use the cards in it whenever you want, helps protect from theft, etc.

Oh you don’t want to use this service because there’s no need for someone else to have access to your wallet? What are you hiding? Clearly you’d be using the service if you weren’t also doing something illegal.

I’d extend the metaphor further to highlight that there’s no such thing as a secure backdoor, but this is just the same shit police-state authoritarianism we’ve been seeing grow in the UK since Thatcher—surveil fucking everyone, in every way possible whilst they do absolutely anything; because you’re not a citizen, you’re just a criminal or potential criminal.

And we’ve got a load of shitty news outlets making idiots clap every time their rights are eroded, because this time it’ll stop the paedos and terrorists for good. Like all the other times.

Look, if that’s how you define a boycott, then be my guest I guess. A bit off the mark but I guess I’m clearly lacking the ability to get it across to you. No fuzzy feeling, maybe avoiding a vague shitty feeling I’d have for using it.

Donations require users, if all the users boycott then they get no donations.

Or maybe look at the inverse, the company is losing out on potential donations by users boycotting, whether significant or not. Same goes for ad impressions, etc

Ah sorry, that’s not what I intended that part to mean, I wasn’t saying brave was particularly unique in that fashion, just that it has a company that develops it, which makes money from its market share.

Trying to explain to the other person how a boycott is still a thing for products that are free.

Okay, one last time, but I’ve said all this before in fewer words:

Brave is owned by a for-profit company that makes money from its users. One of the ways it does this is the ad credits system on the new tab page (there’s probably other ways, I’ve not looked into it too hard)

If it doesn’t have enough users (market share) to sustain the company or if they can’t sell the ad space, the company doesn’t make enough money to sustain itself and has to do something or fold. If the company folds development stops, the product stagnates and basically dies.

The company might decide to kick out the CEO if enough people are boycotting for the same reasons, that would resolve the issue too.

But yeah I don’t even care about the software, I just don’t want to support the company and therefore the CEO, so I won’t use its product. Otherwise known as a boycott

There’s not really much else to say about it

Have you never heard of a boycott?

I’ve said why I think he’s bad, therefore I boycott him and his product. There are other people out there doing exactly the same.

I’m not really sure how you’re struggling with this

Yes, because if the browser has no market share, there is no point in it continuing to exist and the company folds.

I don’t care if it’s free or costs money, the man gets paid if the product is successful. I don’t want to support him, therefore I don’t use the product. If enough people agree with me and do the same, the product dies & the man fails. Or at the very least the rest of the company kicks him out and the man still fails.

Like this isn’t rocket science

I do not want success for that man, therefore I’m not going to give his project market share

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure he donated to (or still donates to?) homophobic action groups.

That’s more than enough reason to boycott something that person is in charge of, imo