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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


To me this sounds like a feature to justify recording everything done on the PC in order to phone it back to Big MS.

This reminds me of the period when AAA game companies were trying to mandate persistent online connection as part of DRM, and looked specifically for game mechanics to justify it. It often didn’t work, or worsened the game.

Ever since we let law enforcement use facial recognition technology, they’ve been arresting people for false positives, sometimes for long periods of time.

it’s not just camera problems and being poorly trained regarding non-whites, but that people actually look too much alike, especially when using the tech on blurry low-res security footage,

I wonder where mandated sonograms and abortions are bad disclaimers to patients seeking abortions falls.

That speecch is mandated, yet SCOTUS barred California from mandating crisis pregancy centers reporting to patients you cannot get an abortion here but instead call these numbers to schedule one

Lots of controversies outside the topic of the thread, but certainly examples of mandated speech and rulings to prevent mandated speech.

This assumes the program stays that way. Much the way Google promised no human would look at (or be able to look at) the data set, we dont have an external oversight entity watching over Apple.

And then there’s the matter of mission creep, much the way the NSA PRISM program was supposed to only deal with foreign threats to national security (specifically Islamist terrorism) yet now it tells local precincts about large liquidatable assets that can be easily seized.

Even if it only looks as hash codes, it means law enforcement can add its own catalog of hashes to isolate and secure, say content that is embarrassing to law enforcement, like videos of police gunning down unarmed, unresisting suspects in cold blood, which are challenged only when the event is captured on a private smartphone.

Let’s say my grandson came to a realization that he was actually my granddaughter. She grows her hair long. She practices with make-up and gets some cute dresses and skirts, and is totally into it.

Now Apple knows.

Any any law-enforcement interests that think its wrong or abusive by fiat can force Apple to let them know.

Same, if my grandkid decides they are pagan and go from wearing a cross to wearing a pentacle.

Same if law enforcement notices that they are caramel colored, that mom is Germanic pale and dad is dark brown.

The US is a society in which neither law nor law enforcement are on our side, and can at any time decide that arbitrary life shit is worthy of sending a SWAT team to collect us. And if the GOP is determined to make it worse.

AFAIK We don’t have clones yet. Not viable ones, at any rate. When we do, it’ll open up a whole new jar of ethical problems. I’m sure Bezos, Musk and Zuckerberg would each love to have a minime to inherit their respective empires.

Women in the US (and elsewhere!) have gotten really tired of being treated like objects. The abortion is murder bullshit doesn’t take at all into account the selectivity of the human pregnancy process or that criminalizing abortions doesn’t reduce abortions. Though it will reduce safe abortions and it will feed more people into the US prison industrial complex. Already the US has more inmates than any other nation in the world, either total or per capita. Including China and the DPRK.

Announcing on this thread that you believe abortion is murder (even implicitly) is a fast track to getting blocked by me. You don’t want to be in my feed? Now’s your chance!

I don’t expect to change your mind. Here in the states, the government is already challenging a woman’s bodily autonomy. They’re already second class citizens.

If you like kids, and think there should be more of them in the States, then push for free school lunches.

Push for shorter hours and better wages for workers (my parents were tired and unavailable for my entire life, and this absolutely figures into my lifelong major depression).

Push for healthcare for children.

Push for living salaries and proper supplies for teachers.

Push for teaching curricula that will prepare kids to lead in redefining society for themselves, rather than shoving them into a worker or soldier die to be used, broken and expended for some billionaire’s vanity project. Demonstrate that an unborn baby is more to you than the next broken Amazon warehouse worker.

Push for getting law enforcement violence out of schools. Demonstrate that an unborn black kid is more to you than the next convict forced to work for their time (prison slavery, which is still legal in the US) denied any other opportunity except below-subsistence work…as an Amazon warehouse worker.

Push for fucking crisis response to the climate crisis and the plastic crisis. Pretend that you actually care there will be future generations wondering what the fuck you were doing.

Until you care about actual kids and the adults who might raise them, then I figure you really don’t give any fucks about unborn life either, except as a means to virtue signal your white Christian national brethren, or worse you’re a capitalist who only cares about infants as product, and then people as factory machines in the production line. Human capital.