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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


You’re welcome. Honestly I wanted to point it out cuz I hate Facebook and WhatsApp 😂

Ah. OK thanks. Usenet is way better than torrents imo so I haven’t needed a vpn in over a decade.

I hardly ever type emails anyway so it is almost useless to me 😂

Sorry I was not claiming that proton in any way was causing a problem here. I was just refuting the point that e2e means they cannot train on your inbox. I don’t even use proton but have been considering it. I do not mind the AI features.

End to end encryption means it can be trained on your inbox, especially locally. It’s not encrypted at rest on your side, else you wouldn’t be able to read it.

That’s why Facebook’s whole “WhatsApp is e2e encrypted, we can’t see anything” is and was a whole farce. They wouldn’t even make the claim in court. People even proved that they could exfiltrate data from WhatsApp after it made it to a users phone over to the Facebook app and boom, e2e didn’t matter at all.

Pull a mullvad? What did mullvad do? I thought they were still one of the best