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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


The original post is 2 months old.

What’s the point of reposting it? Better to post something like:

Don’t use a non-private email, or an email linked to your real identity as your recovery email, because, like other things that Proton needs to have access to (such as recipients and email subjects), it can be shared with law enforcement.

Since it isn’t VC backed or publicly traded, I expect Proton to avoid the AI tech fever.

I guess I need to make my voice heard in that regard and answer the survey.

It seems they are in the middle of the road of merging SimpleLogin and Proton Pass.

I have Mail Plus (~$4/month) and SL (~$2/month) subs, as they’re the only services I need and cost less than the ~$10/month for Proton Unlimited, which is what I would need to pay for if I used both services from Proton.

Right now there’s this Proton Pass feature gray area, where I have Pass free, so I’m limited to 10 aliases, but the aliases I create on Pass have the custom domain I setup on SL, and show on my SL dashboard too. Weird.

I do use a custom domain because I’d like to be able to switch from SL if I ever have a reason to do so, but I have no use for multiple mailboxes (yet), so I guess I’ll be keeping my current arrangement.

I have no need for the actual password management from Pass, as I’m quite happy with my KeePass + Dropbox (to be moved to Proton Drive when they release a Mac app) setup.

I try not to depend too much in one company/service, but Proton seems to be finding a way to suck me in.

Got the same response. After being a Mail Plus subscriber for years, I felt let down when I wasn’t eligible for the Pass Plus sub under the same account.

It would save me money because I currently have a (Proton owned) SimpleLogin sub for protecting my email, which I could replace for the cheaper Pass Plus.

I guess you could try using two different Proton accounts, one for Mail and one for Pass. Although I’m not sure if this will create some UX problem/conflict.

I guess I’m one Proton service away from switching to Proton Unlimited. Although the counter-argument in my head is that I don’t like companies that try to provide all in one services, like all of Big Tech.