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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Well, basque indepence movement involved several deaths, including “civilians”, non politics or police related until 2000s, and people react quite pacific always.

Whereas catalan movement is basically pacifist with some roadblocks and protests and some riots. In front, the typical anti riot police, not fun… but kind of expected.

Honestly, I will be not surprised if this case ends in nothing as it is not clear it can hold in court …

Th email protection is nice, but my one of my mails is already full of spam, so I don’t care any more and just use that when I don’t trust…

I would check compatibility of Gadget-Bridge (open-source, no internet connection) and then use whatever gadget doesn’t require register. My amazfit bip (old version) is basic for gym (not that I need it…) but for hiking I can record the track heart-rate.