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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jan 27, 2024


I don’t think that Proton sells my data to advertisers or trains AI using my emails and documents. As of laws, unfortunately any service in any reputable country has to obey them. You can always buy a server in some banana republic and set up an email service there, but even then there are some risks.

Yeah, it’s not about privacy or anything like that. Which is why I don’t understand this decision at all. It’s not like they have to do anything besides public announcements on Facebook. What privacy are they trying to protect?

He’s speaking ‘bad’ of USA, and that’s where tribalism kicks in.

How PM voluntarily offers any assistance? Key points don’t mention PM at all.

Yes and that is a good advice. They don’t write these articles to teach you something new, you’re clearly not the target audience. Don’t blame them for educating people.

no they are not, just another stupid article from proton. nothing stops you from saying that bwE0FpHb5iPzMZiismyeiTIWhoB*#V8SaD0F3R*SeH was your first pets name.

And how many regular people do that? Or does security apply only to advanced users?