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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


This was an utterly terrible idea to begin with and it’s still a terrible idea for Android apps as well. Apart from messing with ad blockers, this has the ironically “helpful” feature of allowing malware to be force loaded into your browser. If it ends up in Android, some popular app that uses it will get owned and then every user of the app will also end up getting owned as well.

Signal. Also, the solution to the “no-one on signal” problem is simply to refuse to use insecure platforms like WhatsApp. If people want to talk to you then, they have to download signal. They might get annoyed with you, but sometimes a bit of coercion is necessary to get people to do what’s good for them.

Brave Search is now frequently beating DDG and Startpage for accuracy of search results. It’s like using Google 10 years ago when it was actually good but without the ads, tracking and pestering to “log in”. Good stuff.