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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jul 18, 2021


Thanks for the reply! Here’s their 2024-5-8 reply for reference:

Hi! Our engineers have conducted a thorough analysis of this threat, reconstructed it experimentally, and tested it on Proton VPN. We concluded that:

  • the attack can only be carried out if the local network itself is compromised
  • our Windows and Android apps are fully protected against it
  • for iOS and macOS apps, you are completely protected from this as long as you’re using a Kill Switch and a WireGuard-based protocol (our apps use WireGuard by default, and if a user wants to use something other than WireGuard derivates, they’d have to manually set it up). Note that Stealth, WireGuard TCP, and our Smart protocol on iOS/macOS are all WireGuard-based.
  • for our Linux app, we’re working on a fix that would provide full protection against it.

Do we know whether Proton VPN addresses the TunnelVision vulnerability?
[Apparently](https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/05/novel-attack-against-virtually-all-vpn-apps-neuters-their-entire-purpose/), the researchers contacted some VPN providers. Perhaps Proton is one of them.