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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2023


It seemed to go pearshape right from the very beginning.

I just get tired from angry posts all the fricken time. People have opinions you don’t agree with. People get stuff wrong sometimes. I posted something wrong by mistake yesterday and someone corrected me and I withdrew it. No biggie.

Block, don’t block, I don’t care. People should just relax a bit. Hulking out over the most ridiculous points is insane and not good for one’s mental health.

Yet another example of unnecessary hostility? Just disagree, for God’s sake. I’m not really sure what the actual argument is about, just chill.

I’ve been an internet user since 1994, and I can tell you this. Unnecessary hostility like this has always a thing from the very beginning. Even if the OP made a mistake, not saying that he did, why be a dick about it? Just add to the information pile.

That’s my PSA.