• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


From ente Authenticator launch blog post, they do state it is open-source.

My recommendation is to stay away from the auth services that are account based such as ente or bitwarden UNLESS you have a 2nd method of authentication such as a yubikey. Why? Because you obviously can’t store, for example, your bitwarden 2FA code in your bitwarden vault. Same with ente. That’s why on android I use Authenticator Pro, as it isn’t account based and has great backup options, such as backing up to cloud and file encryption. Not sure what an equivalent would be on iOS but I’d definitely want to find out! Bonus points if it’s available on both iOS and Android.

A question about privacy, health apps and Smartwatches
So back when I wasn't as privacy conscious as I am now, I started using Huawei Health as it came with a device. Now i've done that for about 6 years. Started with just counting my steps to eventually buying a Huawei fitness band for the integration and to have even more data in the app. It's a good band but... it's still all Huawei lol. So I've been thinking of switching. However, all the health data i've gathered over that long period of time is in that app. Is there any way to transfer all that data to a more privacy focused service? And i mean ALL of it. From steps and amount of sleep to what my pulse was on a random day of a random year at a random time of said day. Or do I have to abandon that data in the pursuit of privacy? And what would even be a more privacy focused solution?