Born and raised in London. Just a normal guy with a moral compass.

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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Mar 16, 2024


I feel like this is just part and parcel of location based apps and in cities, of course it’s easier to triangulate someone’s location. I still wouldn’t change it as I don’t want to date someone so far away that I don’t see them regularly without incurring excessive expenses. But that’s probably my male privilege speaking and I’ll ultimately defer to the most vulnerable and let them lead the way on this.

Also, for the love of God, break up the Match Group!

Is there a YouTube video under 10 minutes that compares the different AI models available from DuckDuckGo?

Thank you so much for taking the time to explain. It’s posts like this why I enjoy Lemmy so much. Thanks for educating me.

I’d never heard of SEPA. That’s actually quite cool. Does that mean no more seeing payments pop up six days later.

Is it just me

Yep, it’s just you. The number one thing is the instant transaction.

The closest you will get is a prepaid credit card. The reason why PayPal are so big is because they’re universally accepted.

In America they have VenMo and CashApp, in Europe, it feels like PayPal have a monopoly.