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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


LOL, we can all come off sounding a little assholish, don’t worry about it. You made sound points. The OP came off sounding a bugle of fear without doing any research, or backing up any of their concerns. You stepped up.

TLDR being there is no reason to look beyond Fedora…

This whole privacy issue is about trust. And clearly your privacy recommendations are biased. For example, you seem to put all your trust in Fedora, a corporation owned by Red Hat…OWNED. A distro starting to 'trample on user’s privacy with telemetry integration.’

Now you might say that telemetry isn’t like the others, it is “anonymised.” Except that is what corporations always say before they remove the username from the data collected and keep the unique user id. Again, it is about who you trust, and usually corporations are working and focused on the dollar, not the user.

I encourage anyone to look at other privacy recommendation sites, and form your own conclusions.

I would not recommend this guide. It only recommends rolling releases, so basically Arch. I use Arch btw, Garuda. However, it then goes on to say that only moderate or advanced users should use Arch. It also doesn’t recommend Debian or any debian based distros. I find this funny as many corporate servers use Debian, and I don’t really see any huge security issues since the 90’s waving red flags of warnings and issues. By following this guide, it really leaves no option for beginner linux enthusiasts. I (we) recommend not folloing this guide as it reads like privacy paranoia propaganda piece.