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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


You can also check out 2FAS, which recently got open-sourced. It comes with browser plugins to autofill 2FA pushed from the phone on request. Makes it a lot more convenient if you need another reason to switch.

I would say it is even worse. Last thing a couple of days ago was a password manager which is quite lacking in functionality. Next to the encrypted cloud drive service which does not have any sync clients and an encrypted calendar service which is lacking in features that etesync has solved years ago. The most functional would be their VPN, which seems to be fine for its price.

And it is not like they would not have anything to do on their email service (next to the billing system, which cannot handle you buying the pro version of the password manager if you are already subscribed to their mail service)

As with Protonmail it would be nice if they could focus a little bit more on their core product. Importing emails is still not possible with them. As an email provider. With an open issue about it from 2018 🤷‍♂️.