run-of-the-mill transfem, ie. tech-savy geek and queer disaster
(yes, I also hate capitalism and have a general interest in social sciences)

my mastodon

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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Jan 05, 2024


From their FAQ it’s great and covers a lot of questions better than I ever could):

What is AdNauseam’s performance like? Will it speed up or slow down my browsing? AdNauseam is significantly faster (and safer) than using either of the two most popular blockers, Adblock or Adblock Plus, and nearly twice as fast as using no blocker at all. Metrics with more browsers and adblockers on the way…

From their website:

As online advertising becomes ever more ubiquitous and unsanctioned, AdNauseam works to complete the cycle by automating ad clicks universally and blindly on behalf of its users. Built atop uBlock Origin, AdNauseam quietly clicks on every blocked ad, registering a visit on ad networks’ databases. As the collected data gathered shows an omnivorous click-stream, user tracking, targeting and surveillance become futile.

AdNauseam is a free browser extension designed to obfuscate browsing data and protect users from tracking by advertising networks. At the same time, AdNauseam serves as a means of amplifying users’ discontent with advertising networks that disregard privacy and facilitate bulk surveillance agendas.

Just use Librewolf on desktop, Mull on your phone and be done with it

also I’d recommend Adnauseam instead of ublock. It’s based on ublock but clicks on ads inseatd of blocking them.
Basically a form of protest against surveillance capitalism and obfuscation against it’s methods.