👽Dropped at birth from space to earth👽


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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


You invoked the comparison by using the phrase “today’s parents are too IT ignorant”. If anything, they know more about tech than ever before.

Edit: In response to the rest. Parents just don’t want to have uncomfortable conversations with their kids, they never have. Because, no, it isn’t actually easy to block all pornographic websites reliably.

Yes. What is your point? I was commenting on the fact you thought this was a current parents problem when it’s been a problem for over 20 years now.

I don’t know what you lived through, but there was wider internet access in the late 90s and early 00s that caused widespread panic amongst the boomers when I was a kid (born early 90s). I grew up in the era of the first social networks, MySpace being the biggest early one I remember. What surprises me more is that so many millennials have grown up to be just like their parents in that regard.

Todays parents? No. The Boomer/Gen X parents of Millennials were also incredibly IT ignorant.

the :/ face? that doesn’t denote sarcasm. /s does

Freely admits on the internet to violating someone’s right to due process. But they were a druggie, so no biggie right?

Something that I do to make sure I’m more protected is that I don’t put the two-factor for my main email accounts into Bitwarden.

The newer version of Ikea’s Tradfri bulbs (they aren’t selling the old ones anymore) have thread/ matter support on the chips. They should be getting a firmware update soon to enable it. You can also check out the Integrations section on Home Assistant to find devices/brands that are private and work well. The Shelly integration is rated Platinum, and has Local Push: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/shelly/

Edit: Also, feel free to hit me up here or on Matrix (link in my profile) if you have any questions or just wanna chat about HA or other self-hosted stuff 😊

Are you new with Home Assistant in general? I’ve got it running in a VM on a rack server, but those HA Green’s sure do look like a tidy little bit of kit. Ikea stuff works well with it Zigbee-wise, I’ve got some of it around. You can get their remotes working via HA to control other things too. Here’s the Blueprint I used: https://github.com/niro1987/homeassistant-config/blob/main/blueprints/automation/niro1987/zha_ikea_tradfri_5button_remote_custom.yaml

Yeah. As well, if you want to upgrade to a Home Assistant setup down the line, all you need is a $50 Zigbee USB adapter. If you’re more tech-savvy then you can also buy bulbs from somewhere like https://www.athom.tech that come pre-flashed with open source firmware. Either ESPHome, Tasmota or WLED are available. These are wifi, but everything is local, and you can block them on your router without issues. ESPHome is what I have running on the bulbs I rescued.

I mean, there are still plenty of ways to have smart things that don’t communicate with the internet. Ikea’s stuff is all zigbee, they don’t have wifi at all. You can get one of their hubs to control from your phone, or they sell remotes with zigbee you can pair directly to control a set of bulbs. They never have to see internet at all.

Oh, I could make it worse if you’d like? That tool isn’t made for just the bulbs I got at Costco, it’s made for any device in the Tuya ecosystem. What’s Tuya? They’re a Chinese white-label manufacturer that makes smart devices that other companies can slap their brand on. They’ll throw you together an app too, but all of the API calls go through their infrastructure. Bonus, they also make security cameras that send footage to their servers, and smart locks too. They’re literally everywhere, but I’m in Australia so that’s where I’m basing this list:

  • Mirabella Genio
  • Tapo
  • Laser (Big W)
  • Anko (Kmart)
  • Feit Electric (Costco)
  • Grid Connect (Bunnings)
  • EKO (only makes security cameras)
  • Kogan SmarterHome
  • BrilliantSmart (Brilliant Lighting)

And that is, quite literally, only to name a few.

Not long after Dobbs, someone posted a guide on r/WitchesVsPatriarchy on how to securely find* this information without opening yourself up to potential harm. Terrifying that that’s even a thing that needs to exist.

Whilst I agree with your sentiment, this isn’t how end-to-end encrypted chats work. Otherwise, it would be impossible to know the messages you’re receiving are coming from the person you think they are.

It’s also about covering your own arse. If you have any work documents/emails/etc on a personal device, it might get taken as evidence if the company is sued. It’s not just WFH, don’t do anything work-related on a personal device.


i don’t see Cloudflare collaborating on this one. They believe really strongly in the open web. That’s the whole reason they do what they do for free for so many sites.

So there’s the one set of couchdb login details, but that’s not used for encryption. There’s a separate encryption passphrase per vault, so you can store as many vaults as you like without worrying about other people using the database reading your files. My partner and I have a vault that we share (with shared passphrase), as well as each having our own vaults. This works best for us, but there’s also another tool by the creator to sync folders between vaults: https://github.com/vrtmrz/livesync-classroom

You really aren’t gonna stop until you “win” by me not replying, are you?

You mean how you inferred a lot more intention from the dev in your comments, and made it unpleasant to share a resource with a community?

It’s fair enough to share that it currently isn’t fully secure. But you complained the dev would never fix an issue they’ve known about for a few months. Then you went on about how you just coded an app yourself. Well then go put it on the app store so there’s a secure one if you think the dev won’t ever fix it. Or, contribute back to the open source community. Or, don’t cast aspersions about what other devs do with their time.

Edit: The dev’s also a human being. They might have had a significant life event happen during that time.

I’ve been using it for about a year, and it’s definitely gotten a lot better in that time. It can be a little finicky to get everything configured for the first time for a vault. You only have to do it on the first device though, then you can copy a setup URI to each subsequent device. One caveat is that if you want it to work on mobile, then you’ve got to have it configured with https and not with a locally-signed cert. I have it proxied through Cloudflare with a domain I use for homelab stuff.
The biggest difference is that remotely save doesn’t have any kind of conflict resolution. It just overwrites the remote file as long as the local one was modified more recently. Livesync keeps separate versions of a file almost like a git repo, tracking the changes. It almost always automatically merges conflicts, but if it can’t it’ll pop up asking you to choose which version to keep. I have a few vaults that I share with others and multiple people can work on the same file simultaneously with no issues at all. There’s end-to-end encryption built in so if you’re using it externally you don’t have to worry about your privacy. I write up my task list for the day on my computer in the morning, and being able to pull my phone up and check things off and have it reliably sync back to my desktop without overwrite issues works flawlessly. There’s iOS, Android and Windows devices all playing nicely.

Here’s a link to the docs for setting up your own server.
I’m gonna stick the docker compose and config files I used to spin mine up if you wanna use them (make sure to put them in the same directory):


name: obsidian
version: '2'
  image: couchdb
  restart: unless-stopped
   - "5984:5984"
   - ./local.ini:/opt/couchdb/etc/local.ini
   - COUCHDB_USER=username
   - COUCHDB_PASSWORD=password


max_document_size = 50000000

require_valid_user = true
max_http_request_size = 4294967296

require_valid_user = true
authentication_redirect = /_utils/session.html

WWW-Authenticate = Basic realm="couchdb"
enable_cors = true

origins = app://obsidian.md,capacitor://localhost,http://localhost
credentials = true
headers = accept, authorization, content-type, origin, referer
max_age = 3600

Edit: Sorry for the huuuge reply, hope it’s not too much haha

I think you’re assuming a lot of the developer. It’s just one person, and selling this for a few bucks clearly isn’t their day job. The entitlement of some people on github is real. Like, why not help the dev out, submit a pull request? Instead of whining that they won’t ever implement something.

Edit: Before you tell me to put my money where my mouth is, before I made this post I submitted a pull request to this repo. Wanted to be able to set my invidious instance with yattee:// at the start so it would automatically open them in app instead. Actually found an issue with someone else requesting the same feature and linked the PR to it.

Okay, so I went and checked out that issue and I spent 20 minutes reading the linked documentation and checking through the codebase. As far as I can tell, implementing this would require a complete re-write to how the extension currently works. This is because declarativeNetRequest is designed as a more secure replacement for webRequest, which is probably why Apple supports it in the first place. It takes the job of writing redirects out of the hands of the extension and gives it to the browser instead.
In the current codebase, after the browser matches a url, the extension runs a .js file to chop out what it needs, rewrite it and finally trigger the redirection. webRequest would be able to block the domains and still run those .js files. declarativeNetRequest would require all of that to be rewritten as regex and JSON expressions. It also might not even be possible, as I’m not sure you can dynamically change those JSON expressions after the fact, say when you want to change which instance you’re being redirected too.

Edit: Also the dev was made aware in late March, so if a full rewrite is needed I’m not surprised it hasn’t been completed yet.

Redirecting iOS Safari
I found a decent safari extension for iOS for redirecting links to privacy focused frontends: [Privacy Redirect](https://apps.apple.com/au/app/privacy-redirect/id1578144015) If you're self-hosting a private instance that's not secure you'll need to put http:// at the start of the URLs specifically.