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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


i agree, but my unpopular opinion is that mozilla has also proven this repeatedly, with nothing and nobody being universally better. privacy people love firefox, but i spend a lot of time with each major version’s release notes figuring out how to undo the new telemetry (increasing integration with pocket, firefox suggest, location that won’t turn off).

my threat model is ‘they’re all evil, including mozilla’, so there are additional rings around everything

i left a big comment regarding this in another thread, TL;DR combination of brave on desktop and a lot of non-brave things on android, privacy browser + mull + DDG


> Starting in version 1.54, [the browser] Brave will automatically block website port scanning, a practice that a surprisingly large number of sites were found engaging in a few years ago. According to [this list](https://gist.github.com/ACK-J/65dfe84fcf5a06c46364e5f2bd29c118) compiled in 2021 by a researcher who goes by the handle G666g1e, 744 websites scanned visitors’ ports, most or all without providing notice or seeking permission in advance. eBay, Chick-fil-A, Best Buy, Kroger, and Macy's were among the offending websites. this raises my antennae way up but i have to admit, although being probed makes my skin crawl, i don't actually understand what bad actors can do. it *seems bad* but that could be fud. more distressing is the wall of shame; if even slightly true, this is hideous. typing just obvious things i know from just one screenful of a 700+-line document: state farm, lending tree, citibank, glassdoor, iberia. for some reason financial firms are heavily represented here. anyone have any knowledge in this domain? and if it's an actual problem, what's the best way to put a ring around it? the actor is inside your browser, so the usual firewall tricks don't apply.

i believe one can’t stop collection, only aggregation, so use different platforms and different emails - and critically, a device that actually meets your needs - and hope for the best. i have a garmin with an email on a domain i own. my phone is android, using a google profile that’s empty of any voluntary info and tied to a gmail address used for nothing else.

it’s child’s play to aggregate this, but otoh, two companies will work to combine the data only if they have a common goal.

i did end up going back to namecheap, where i already had an account. i’m trying not to create new relationships with businesses that heavily use recaptcha, and with porkbun it’s part of the login process

damn, automatic whois privacy and easy let’s encrypt certs - that does look legit

that tripped me up too - but it’s just the web demo. if you install it, your browser doesn’t matter

i’d never heard of this concept! i have a disorganized stack of markdown files - notes, to-do and packing lists - that this looks ideal to tame

on android, i have three.

  • the default browser is an f-droid rarity called ‘privacy browser’. it is configured to allow scripting but reject practically everything else (storage, cookies). this will break lots of things, but i feel safer with this as the initial offer. it’s wired to a searxng instance for search. i have a personal hosted homepage that it uses for home.
  • if i am opening something myself, i use an app shortcut that opens my home page on mull. mull itself doesn’t believe in home pages, so i have to use a shortcut. it uses a searxng instance for search. it’s configured to discard all data on quit. if something breaks on privacy browser, i share it into mull.
  • for sites in which i need a persistent login, i use duckduckgo browser, again with an app shortcut since it doesn’t believe in home pages. i don’t open links in ddg, instead sharing them to one of the other two. i don’t search here since you can only use ddg.

on desktop (all platforms), i use brave with a lot of stuff turned off, homed normally and pointed to the same search instance. i have cookie autodelete to burn cookies as i browse. i spend a lot of time manually deleting local storage.

i don’t love this flow. what i really would like is one browser that would:

  • load my home page when i click its icon
  • burn all cookies and local storage on exit, except from domains i designate

i haven’t found an answer for that yet, would love ideas.

i have previously used and discarded, for various reasons: vivaldi, firefox, firefox focus, chromium, librewolf. i carry some of these for occasional use, either for ‘let it through’ or ‘fuzz all the things’ threat models.

same, until keepassdx had problems on my samsung phone, at least for a while, so i swapped it out for keepass2android