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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 23, 2023


Oh that sounds good! I would also prefer rclone. I’m using the protonvpn through the native gnome network manager + ovpn profile rather than having to add some third party repo or the community flatpak.
I wonder if that “he should have access” means that the API specs can be public information or more like “we trust henry but it’s still secret.” I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens next.

I recently read that the Linux client is something that might not happen for a long time, if at all. The user base is too small and it doesn’t make sense economically etc.

I have been hoping that a company that values privacy would see the benefit of people switching to Linux, and that having first-class support for Linux clients would be valuable in itself, as a message about Protons values.

If there’s no money, then that’s unfortunate. But the free and open source community has been known to put in a lot of work when there’s a need. Would it be possible to make it easier for people to work on a community client? The main thing needed from Proton would be documenting the API I guess.

Is Proton interested in working together with the free and open source community?