• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


It depends what you need to configure.
I’m using this library to move around the camera https://github.com/JurajNyiri/pytapo
For anything else, AFAIK, yeah, you’d need to re-enable internet access.

I’ve been using a TAPO C200, it just required the initial setup to be connected to the internet to configure via de app, afterwards I blocked the internet traffic at router level, the feed is processed through https://frigate.video/ which I selfhost in a mini PC, not sure how well it’ll perform on a PI.

What’s your approach to email aliases?
I started fiddling with my alias service and started wondering what approach other people might take. Not necessarily the best option but what do you prefer? What are the pros and cons you see with each option? Currently I'm using anonaddy and proton, so I have a few options to create aliases. - The limited shared domain aliases (from my current subscription level) Probably the only option to not be tracked if it would be unlimited, I'd just have to pay more for the service. - Unlimited aliases with a subdomain of the shared domain For example: baked6863.addy.io - Unlimited aliases with custom domain. - Unlimited aliases with subdomain in custom domain. This is different from the one above since the domain could be used for different things, not dedicated to email. - Catch-all with addy. The downside I've read is people could spam any random word, and if then disabled the people that had an incorrect alias wouldn't be able to communicate anymore. - Catch-all with proton. Since proton has a limit on how many email addresses you actually have, so when you receive an email to an alias and want to replay to it you'll be doing it from the catch-all address instead of the alias. What do you think? What option would you choose?

Well, not only this data, all activity on lemmy is public since it needs to be federated (sent to all instances subscribed to the community will receive all activity).
Which means any person can track anyone if they subscribe to the same communities the user’s instance has.

AFAIK the only activity not sent is saved content, and downvotes from content hosted in instances which disabled them.

EDIT: for more example, here’s my upvote to this post


And here’s the original comment


And all instances which are subscribed to this community need to receive this information to keep it updated.

I saw this project https://github.com/pablouser1/ProxiTok
Haven’t been able to selfhost it (not sure what I’m doing wrong yet), but the public instances are working fine.

I saw that notice yesterday and just clicked on the ‘X’, not sure if that was enough, I’ll check it today.

Everyone has already mentioned the biometrics, but I think even without that you still should have to suck it up if you want to improve your security.

Also, I think it’s worth the hassle of changing to Aegis since you can make backups of your vault pretty easily, something which Google authenticator doesn’t provide.
The only option in that app is cloud sync which IIRC isn’t encrypted in any way, so your keys are being sent to you-don’t-no-where via you-don’t-know-how in plain text.
Aegis gives you the option to sync your vault with an encrypted file which you can then import into other Aegis install (I don’t know if it has the option to sync an unencrypted version).

What are the pros and cons of installing PWAs?
I'm wondering if using the website or installing a PWA would be the same from a privacy point of view. I'm using Firefox with uBlock origin, so I'm wondering what tracking information the site could get if I allow the PWA. Also in [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Progressive_web_apps) it says the app can integrate with other installed apps, so can the site know more information about my phone when installing the PWA? Should I continue to just use websites to prevent as much tracking as possible?