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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023

  • Keep WiFi and Bluetooth turned off while you’re out in public.

  • If you have the ability to keep the phone connected to a guest network or VLAN on your home network while it still has stock android that is a bonus. Google scoops up data regarding the other devices on your network.

  • Use a privacy oriented DNS service like NextDNS to block all the google requests. They have a block list just for that, blocking them is as simple as clicking a button.

Don’t worry, you’re not breaking it to me 😄. I’ve never found the need for more than 10 aliases myself and I could be wrong but I think that needing more than 10 functioning aliases at a given time is a bit of a fringe case when it comes to the average user. It sounds like your comments are based on pretty heavy usage.

I’m not saying that Simple Login is better than the other two services (which I’ve never used so can’t compare) However, from using the free tier of the service for years now the free version of Simple Login is feature complete and does not make you bump in to pay walls.

Yes, and it is very feature complete. It’s what I use.

The paid plans are largely just a way to support development, but specifically it allows you to use custom domains, not just automatically generated ones. There’s some other benefits like PGP and wildcard domains, but the custom domains seems like the biggest draw to a paid plan in my book.

Glad to help. I believe so, everything seems to run monthly for individual users.

I’m not the OP, but I’ll throw in my stats for reference.

Storage used: 65 gbs

Price: 52¢ monthly

I just use it as backup storage with restic as the backup tool, so following the initial data dump it’s just making incremental changes.

They’re changing their pricing this month, storage now costs $6 per terabyte of data per month (up from $5 per terabyte.) Downloading that data is now free, up to X3 the amount of data you have stored. Anything more than that is priced at .01¢ per GB. I could download 195gb for free based on my usage.

Hope this helps.


  1. Notes: Joplin server is great, the sync is way more efficient (and private) than using a 3rd party storage service like OneDrive or Dropbox.
  2. Photo Library: Immich photo management server. No clandestine scanning of your images or using them for AI training.


  1. Offsite backup location: Backblaze has super cheap prices on data storage. You can encrypt the buckets with a toggle on BB, but TrueNAS has a sweet automatic backup option that encrypts data before sending to your backblaze bucket.