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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


you might try contacting Huawei and try filing a GDPR request to get the data, although it’s hard to tell how importable it will be.

for future data, you could see if your device is compatible with Gadgetbridge https://gadgetbridge.org

yeah, ASK has got tons of little QoL features that it doesn’t advertise anywhere and you just randomly stumble across. I’ve been using it for several years before someone told me about merging dictionaries.

long press the Enter key, choose “override default dictionary”, and pick the languages to merge.

you know there’s a save button, right? it’s the little star under each post and comment.

I just use DuckDuckGo’s one. with a bit of tinkering you can make it integrate with Bitwarden.

if the official API fails

Newpipe doesn’t use Youtube’s API at all.

where do you see an iOS version on the page you’ve linked?

every comment and post has got that little star button underneath, sometimes hidden behind the three dots “more” button. it’s used for saving things.