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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Mar 20, 2024


Normie’s wont like the extremity of this but even a little shift towards privacy is better than nothing. I feel the issue is someone like op is trying to convince someone to take a tiny little privacy step then u make some very valid points about what more can be done then said normie goes its too hard and doesnt do anything at all.

Id have been so pissed if my parents had destroyed any hope of privacy before i could tell them how fucked up that is. Your child didnt consent to letting google read about its life and see its pictures.

Whats her issue with using proton? It has all the features of google plus your setting ur kid up with a private ecosystem that will make them one of the very few who may have any hope of digital privacy in the future.

Could also just show her this comment chain where she can learn from us armchair experts.

Can i create such a thing for qubes os? Would be cool the have decryption screen look like windows login and if duress password entered it boots to a live windows image instead and obviously sends out relevent alerts etc. I suppose u would also want a second duress password that just shreds everything as well.

I don’t think it’s about not giving google money, I think it’s about protecting personal privacy. I will happily give Google money if it’s in a privacy respecting manner for high quality product.

I’m just gonna let them rot adding to the dead internet. Perhaps someone will come across this comment 100 years after my death perhaps not. When I’m dead what do i care.