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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


This is… exactly my setup too. Works great. The brio is a tiny bit weird in that it appears as two independent video devices in Linux, but choosing the right one is all that’s necessary and it works fine.

Nice, honestly this sounds like the perfect use case for Gadgetbridge which is a much newer and actively developed tool in addition to not requiring network access. But your solution works fine and I’m sure it’s less work if it’s what you were already doing anyway rather than migrating to a new app. Glad it’s working for you.

Probably? Though I have no experience with the rebble app. I don’t think any of it’s features like searching for apps, weather, etc will work properly and some android apps really misbehave when you take away permissions that they expect to have. Try it and let us know! =]

This is what I currently use with my pebbles. I’ve never used the pebble app, I just started with the FOSS option and stuck with it. Their wiki is really good https://codeberg.org/Freeyourgadget/Gadgetbridge/wiki/Pebble

EDIT: To answer the actual question from this angle, gadgetbridge is surprisingly security focused even though that’s not really it’s main goal. The developers do not allow it to make outbound connections and do not allow the watches it supports to make connections either (except where this is impossible to prevent, say if they can make their own network connections) which is why it doesn’t support in-app weather.

Do they send them, or do they provide you with a website where they are hosted? I once worked around this by guessing the url scheme used by the hosting provider which something like <url>/images/size-4080x3072-<UID>.jpg. The UID was the same for the previews and for the larger sizes. It turned out that the larger sizes were not actually previews but the raw image data provided in a link to you when you pay.

So I hear the “anyone but godaddy” thing a lot, however I have struggled to find anyone that has the same features as they do. For example:

  • Domain security which entirely hides contact information for registries
  • Email Proxy
  • 2FA that supports yubikey or security keys
  • Doesn’t black hole registration when using a protonmail.com email domain.
    • EDIT: Porkbun support took care of this after sending them an email. YAY

The email and contact proxy seems to be specific to certain TLDs but for the one I happen to use GD supports it.

I’d love to move to something else if for no other reason than the website is annoying, but every time I look the other options are worse.