When DMing me, remember that you have to trust both your server’s admin, as well as mine.

Please use the following age key to encrypt your message (and send me yours, so that I can reply).


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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


While that is true, it does divert peoples’ clicks.

Imagine you wrote a quality tech tutorial blog. Is it ok for OpenAI to take your content, train their models, and divert your previous readers away from your blog?

It’s an open ethical question that it’s not straightforward to answer.

EDIT: yes people also learn things and repost them. But the scale at which ChatGPT operates is unprecedented. We should probably let policy catch up. Otherwise we’ll end up with the mess we currently have by letting Google and Facebook collect data for years without restrictions.

DMing privately on Lemmy
I've just recently moved to Lemmy, and so far I'm enjoying it quite a bit. However, I've been thinking about the privacy issues whe DMing someone here. Since this is a federated service, when you DM someone you have to trust both your server's admin, as well as the recipient's. Not that I particularly trusted reddit, but at least it was 1 corporation with (hopefully) some solid security procedures in place, and potential penalties for data breaches. Whereas in Lemmy, it might just be 2 random guys. I've added an [age key](https://github.com/FiloSottile/age) to my profile, in the hopes to make people aware of this issue. As well as giving them an option, if they wish to contact me privately. I know, it's not user friendly. But it's the only way I could think of that wouldn't rely on email + GPG. Does anyone know of a better solution? EDIT: I also realise that not having signing capabilities might be an issue... So maybe reverting back to good ol' GPG is a better option?