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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


I’m a huge fan of open source but saying the only people saying Gimps UI is bad are astroturfing is insane.

It’s famously controversial and uses UI paradigms that don’t exist in any modern desktop environments.

Here is the thing about the client side scanning, it was a way for them to fully encrypt iCloud while keeping law enforcement happy. In my mind it was a privacy win, as the alternative was to scan an unencrypted file in the cloud, much like Google, Microsoft, et al does.

Privacy isn’t an absolute, there is a push pull with the other needs of a society, if folks legitimately think that CSAM isn’t a problem then they have had a very sheltered internet experience.

I know this view is hugely unpopular with the privacy crowd but what Apple was doing honestly felt like a reasonable compromise to me. I guess it’s moot because they now have an encrypted iCloud option without the client side scanning.