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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Apr 01, 2024


I think you’re being unreasonably offended here, and I’m sure there’s a reason but I can’t figure it out. Being asked to change, like its something I’m asking you to do for my sake? Secret crush on bill gates? Linux killed your dog?

I was going to suggest that nothing lasts forever, and by the time your shitty shackled masturbatory aid (seriously, just use a Hitachi, it’s cheaper, and you can probably get free shipping if you also order a new HDD; they make good ones) breaks windows will have gone from shit show to shit storm, and you should try again.

See, I’m not saying Linux is easy. Its harder than windows was fifteen years ago. I’m saying windows is getting worse so fast that your data I’d at risk.

So, I haven’t ever had trouble playing anything with vlc. Except a .INI once, but there was acid involved.

Yeah proprietary bullshit literally locked to only run on windows could be a problem. Maybe stop buying that garbage? Transition to hardware that isn’t proprietary ecosystem trap dog shit, then switch?

My reasoning wasn’t that Linux is so much easier than it used to be (though it is) or more functional than it used to be (though it is) its that windows just kept fucking with me and I realized I was spending too much time on it’s shit-if I’d paid for it I probably would’ve put a rock through my monitor. Windows c. 2010 might still he better than Linux, but its not supported by anything anymore, so its off the table.

Honestly, with a super used friendly distro like mint or Ubuntu, or even pop, its not actually harder than windows, it’s just pve instead of PvP when you have trouble; it feels like teamwork and learning rather than being fucked with like windows always seems to.

Takes a lot longer to crack modern WiFi, requires watching connects/disconnects and going after the handshakes or something.

Okay, even if government magically does something decent and fair and good for people at the expense of corporations, and unicorn cum tastes like cotton candy and makes you immortal

Not an excuse to keep using that shit. Punish then yourself, additionally. they deserve it for even trying thus. Arguably more, if its blatantly illegal. Switch all your crap to matrix or whatever.

A what protection… That’s not a real thing, and if you rely on abusive daddy and his magic hammer to save you, you’re going to be so fucked.

Just stop using it. Get your friends to stop using it. Ditch this garbage. This isnt even the biggest reason to do that anyway.

Innocence is no protection, truth is no defense.

It will if they can make it. Ditch this shit in every way you can.

The fact that they’re even trying thus needs to trigger an exodus.friends don’t let friends use discord.