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Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


There will always be spies working with exploits, which is different from a sanctioned backdoor.

I doubt the tech used in DROPOUTJEEP works anymore.

I’m not aware that either iOS or Android support this.

I see two options:

  1. Apple and Google build requested backdoor access, which I don’t think they want to do.

  2. The police get physical access to the phone temporarily to install a hidden app on it. Possibly using an insider.

  3. Bad guys buy pre-backdoored phones from cops. See the ANOM story. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2021/06/fbi-sold-phones-to-organized-crime-and-read-27-million-encrypted-messages/

I have not read the bill but I’ll guess they are legalizing #2.

Pegasus uses exploits which are getting discovered and fixed. In theory, it’s getting harder for that model to work. Apple’s Lockdown mode defends against it for example. Very different from a sanctioned backdoor.

Once the tech is in place it can and will be abused. Also, non-police can find how to access the backdoor.